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not a good game. the automatic transmission not working properly, even when it works "fine" it's a bit too late on shifting up.
Another major problems is too much laps in every race, 4 is max number of laps that I can tolerate only if laps are short, how many times I should go around same track? 8 laps? No. What i did is started the game with "/dev" in steam game option, that unlock all career mode, then started races and if i was first after second lap, counted that as a win. Oh and either you manage to overtake all opponents in first 2 turn or you lose because after that they go too fast to overtake them! It seems everyone that is in first place gets speed boost somehow! And when you get to first place every opponent gets slower! Not fun at all. You cant even change car color in career mode!

Still Grid 2 and Grid Autosport are best racing games I ever played. The opponents in Grid games are far better in term of being challenging, they can overtake you, they do mistakes like humans, it's possible to overtake them.