Better than i expected, i started the game and hated it in first glance, however finally found it kind of a good game, but something is wrong about the game, shooting enemies is harder than most if the shooters.

The game crashed and removed my Save Game. Story is weak and something is wrong with visuals and mission design. Worst COD ever.

Very fun game, specially in 2 player mode, competing against your friend.

First game i ever played when i started my NES in 1998 for the first time when I was just a 4 years old kid.

Really Good Game, Story is fun and story telling is best among all COD Games.

Low amount of map, specially only 2 Touring maps (has different variations) is kinda sad.
Driving Physics is good. Career mode is basically waste of time. Just set your own races.

This game is wierd as hell. A president of USA Doing wierd stuff and dancing like Gen Z girls from tik tok and having too many special abilities you never saw them on any X-Men movies and saying cringe jokes and fighting aliens while traveling the map like mix of Spiderman, Hulk and Batman.

However, the games is fun!

Meh, I guess it's fine for a 1983 game!

Meh. A mid arcade racing game from "wet ground = high graphics" era, wet grounds everywhere.... Not a lot of cars to choose from... No customization other than color and livery is not acceptable for an arcade racing game in 2020. Also Graphic options are wierd!
Donut collaboration is weak marketing effort with no meaning, they even didn't tried. The game wants to have an story, but somehow it has no relatable characters, just some voices from people you never see.

A short fun little DLC. Takes about 1.5 hrs to complete.

The only good thing about this game is it's difficulty!
It's a 1986 game, fine for it's era, but compare it to Super Mario or Zelda, it's not that great.

not a good game. the automatic transmission not working properly, even when it works "fine" it's a bit too late on shifting up.
Another major problems is too much laps in every race, 4 is max number of laps that I can tolerate only if laps are short, how many times I should go around same track? 8 laps? No. What i did is started the game with "/dev" in steam game option, that unlock all career mode, then started races and if i was first after second lap, counted that as a win. Oh and either you manage to overtake all opponents in first 2 turn or you lose because after that they go too fast to overtake them! It seems everyone that is in first place gets speed boost somehow! And when you get to first place every opponent gets slower! Not fun at all. You cant even change car color in career mode!

Still Grid 2 and Grid Autosport are best racing games I ever played. The opponents in Grid games are far better in term of being challenging, they can overtake you, they do mistakes like humans, it's possible to overtake them.

Boring level design, monotonous gameplay! But its not trash. if you have 30min to 1hr time and you want to start and finish a game in that time, this is a good choice. or you can play it after playing 3 hours of dark souls to refresh yourself. it is fun for 30min!

People always say it's bad game. It was actually a really good game. The bugs are really tolerable after installing visible upgrade mod.