Demon's Soul is a better game in comparison, sure. But we are not here to compare games, we are here to enjoy them, so this game is a game you should play, but if you played one of other similar games (demon's soul, other DS Games, elden ring,...), make sure you have longer time gap between them than me, play some other games, because if you don't you gonna hate it, you gonna burn out and leave it uncompleted.

Simply NFS Underground 3. NFS Carbon is a better game, but this game is fun in its own way.

Good Story
Amazing World Design
Well Designed Characters
Very Fun Missions, Not Repetitive...

Weak Driving Physics
Weak Storytelling

100% Arcade Style, No Skill Required!
Graphics are very good for a 2017 game.
Wish the game was more challenging.
The tuning is stupid, nfs undercover style tuning was very better. Body parts are not diverse enough and unlocking them are on a very slow pace.


Story is not that bad, but story telling is very poor. The world is beautiful. Everything is designed very well, but ther is not a lot of variations of enemies, items, equipment, etc. Developers missed a huge opportunity on this game, game is two step far from a very nice game, and they didn't took that two step.

Main bugs and how to fix:

1- one of vaults has infinite loading screen, for fix you should restart your pc.

2- one of vaults has a low frame rateand high GPU temps and you can't do anything about it, even lowering graphics wouldn't work. You should just be patient and do that part.

A bug didn't let me finish the game. :(
If you like sonic type games, you will like it.

Not as great as GTA IV Main Story.

1. Something about this game is not right, but i can't tell what.
2. The sound track do not match the spirit of the game.

1- Great fighting physics and animations.
2- Good story.
3- Great characters on both side.
4- From graphical standpoint, it matches the era that game released.
5- Not that long to make game boring.

Remember this is a 2007 game, and it is a very good game for that era, other than 2 cons that i said.

Technical note on emulation:

You can emulate this game on pc, but you can't play with Xbox controller. The game is only playable with Genuine Dual Shock 3/4 Control (not even bootleg ones). Also i should mention that it is one the most cpu intensive games that i ever emulated, to the point that i found this is a hard pressure on my cpu (Ryzen 5 5500), and started playing via PS3 (borrowed from a friend). Maybe Ryzen 5 5600 or i5 12400 is good enough to emulate the game with ease.

Very fun for 15 minutes. I don't know why people gave it high ratings, maybe nostalgia! Nostalgic art style, level design and music is all this game has, whit no new innovation and nothing new to add.

Great Game and story makes so much sense.
One of the greatest stories and story telling in gaming history, AAA Studios should take some note.

Note: A really bad game for photosensitive people, flashing effect and huge amount of vibrant colors may be annoying for you.

A DLC, In form of an stand-alone game!

Story is too short and nothing has changed from original Alan Wake. why it's not a dlc for original Alan Wake?!

Read about it in an old magazine. Don't worth trying. Not Fun.

Very Unique Game. Main problem is you have to unlock story mode by playing survival mode. Story mode is fun, survival mode is not fun, So you can speed run and get USB Sticks and just die after you get 3 usb stick which unlocks 1 story mode mission, and play the story mode after and repeat this cycle.
Each story mission is unique, sometimes challenging and always rewarding, and maybe you learn something about animals if you already don't know.
If the game didn't had the mentioned problem, i would give it 5 stars as i always give 5 stars to unique games like this to pay respect to studios that don't go the easy way.