May, 2024


Helped out Calaba in the Solaceon Ruins and secured the assistance of Ursaluna. Imma be honest I don’t remember Arezu lying about Ursaluna’s rampage lol. Smug one there

Infiltrated the Black Sapphire, and surprise surprise Songbird didn’t tell me the whole truth. Guess she’s also dying though…hopefully that neural network has enough juice for the both of us. Did some gigs in the meantime and now I’m on my way to nab that netrunner duo for an in to Hansen’s meeting


Continued Phantom Liberty. Met up with Reed and Alex, figured out where Songbird is, and ready to infiltrate the Black Sapphire. I fully expect someone to betray my ass…just don’t know who. Not feeling too strongly about Songbird. Not that she’s given me a reason to distrust her, but she hasn’t given me a reason to either. Making promises that she can help me without telling me what they are. At the very least maybe rescuing her will give her a chance to explain herself. I’ve got a bit more of a feel for Reed. Don’t trust him fully either, but he doesn’t seem like a bad guy. Just hoping he’s not still fully loyal to Myers

I have rescued great Lord Kleavor from the throes of insanity by throwing balls of food at him…truly a pious act. On a serious note the noble Pokémon fights are fun but are pretty absurd when you think about them lol. Anyway I got to meet Adaman and Irida and I love both of them lol. Just kiss already. It’s cool to see Adaman doubt Irida’s capacity to lead because she hasn’t been doing so for a long time, and to see Irida denounce our usage of Poke Balls as they constrain their occupant’s space. They truly do match their clans’ ideologies


Passed our trial with flying colors, began hunting some new Pokemon, and defeated the alpha Kricketune “interloper” in Deertrack Heights. I actually managed to catch it too! Side note, really like how “almighty Sinnoh’s” nature is disagreed upon between the Diamond and Pearl clans like how different denominations of religions also disagree on core tenets. Very cool storytelling

Started Phantom Liberty today and I must say it is SICK. First mission is very cool, stealthing it is a dope feeling. I don’t completely trust Myers or Songbird but I figure I might as well go with the flow. Dogtown is a sick area, and I’m glad to see Mr. Hands come back to give out gigs. Excited to see how this goes!



Starting a new PLA save and boy am I excited for this one. I love this game to death and can’t wait to review it. I picked Cyndaquil this time (as opposed to Oshawott the first time), though I plan to raise the other starters later in the game because all three are so sick. Currently in the Obsidian Fieldlands working on my Galaxy Team trial


I think I need to stop playing with the volume so loud


I FINALLY decided to go to Pacifica and investigate the Voodoo Boys today. Even knowing they’d betray my ass I couldn’t help but side against the NetWatch agent, didn’t want to work with any more corpos. Discovering Alt beyond the Blackwall went smoothly enough. Finally I can start the Phantom Liberty stuff, which I will in the next few days. For now, I finished the Cyberpsycho sightings, the Beat on the Brat fights (except Ozob), and Epistrophy. Also finished all the gigs for Padre and Regina, leaving only a few scattered Rogue gigs, and whatever is brewing in Pacifica and Dogtown. Also almost done with all of the side gigs too! Kirk got what he fucking deserved lol


Okay today we ACTUALLY finished River’s questline (had one more part unbeknownst to me), completed Judy’s questline (underwater exploration was quite relaxing), and completed all of Dino, Dakota, and El Capitan’s gigs! That just leaves Regina, Padre, and Hands (plus Dogtown I guess). Also found Guts with the help of a friend and put it to good use dismembering an entire Militech base (twice because I reloaded the save). That thing is SO MUCH fucking fun. Just absolutely blows people apart. Rebecca would be proud I think


Finished River’s main quest and started part 2 of Judy’s main quest. Pretty much the only big stuff I did today, rest was just gigs and side content. I started the Delamain quests, though I’m a little late on that one lol. I also found the start of the Edgerunners tie in, currently waiting on info about David from El Capitan. Pretty hyped to see how that one goes


Big story and side content day. Started by finishing the Takemura section of the main story; did not go back to save him, too focused on the escape. Industrial park and parade could have been stealthier but I didn’t feel like reloading old saves. Side job-wise, trashed the Raffen with Panam in the Basilisk. No tank sex though, honestly not feeling a romance in this play through. I like Panam but nomad lifestyle isn’t for me. Also progressed a lot of the River questline, and I’m currently en route to that bastard Anthony’s farm. Insanely dark quest; gives Disasterpiece a run for its money. Also did some Claire races (they’re fun), the Lizzy Wizzy quest (girlboss), and the Peralez’s quest (I lied to Jeff…maybe I shouldn’t have). Insanely fun session today, I feel like I did a lot of CP2077’s best content today.


Almost exclusively side content today, though I did help Panam hijack the Basilisk panzer from Militech. Otherwise, I fought some cyberpsychos (two more and I’ve got them all!), found some Tarot (Star, Tower, and Death), fought Cesar in the Glen, helped Pepe resolve a matter with his wife, and finished all of Wakako’s gigs


Not a lot in the way of main story today, but a lot of side story: helped Panam rescue Saul from the Raffen, helped Judy process Evelyn’s suicide, and met River in our investigation into Mayor Rhyne’s death. Side content wise, the usual—cyberpsychos, gigs, scanner hustles, and a few tarot. Also helped out the Buddhist monks that Maelstrom wanted to carve into. My build is also getting better: got a tier 4 Paraline with tier 4 Synapse Burnout, got some shiny new Monowire that recharges RAM on hit, and throwing knives that instantly return on headshot


Did quite a lot of main story today: rescued Evelyn and got her back in Judy’s hands. Also met with Rogue in the Afterlife, and she pointed me in the direction of Panam, and we got Hellman squared away. Side content wise, did a few gigs here and there, neutralized some cyberpsychos (Bloody Ritual was sick), and hit up Claire to begin her questline. Next session I’ll probably hit up Takemura or head to Pacifica to deal with those backstabbing Voodoo Boys
Pain. Suffering even

Another heaping helping of stealthy gigs which were pretty fun, as well as some side jobs (Flaming Crotch Man thanks me), and two cyberpsychos that I managed to incapacitate cleanly. Main story wise, I went to Clouds (great dialogue and atmosphere in that scene), beat the shit out of that rat Fingers, and traced Evelyn’s location from a Death Head’ XBD. Sex work in Night City is fucked beyond all measure
When the curtains call the time, will we both go home alive?
Got a random desire to play this, and accidentally played the exact same game as the last time (Culture France on a TSL Huge Europe). Halfway through the Classical Era the game crashed and I lost interest


Got back on Black 2 to see if I could teach my Klutz Lopunny Pom-Pom Switcharoo…needless to say Pokémon Showdown has led me astray as it is only an egg move in normal Pokemon. Oh well, cleared the first area of Black Tower to ensure my session wasn’t for naught. Who was gonna tell me that the trainers in there give EXP? I might actually use it to train my second team above level 50

Did a few gigs, scanners hustles, a side job here and there, collected a few tarot arcana, and met with Takemura and Judy respectively. a lot of little things for a few hours lol