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11 days ago

11 days ago

MelCDSSystem is now playing Animal Well

11 days ago

MelCDSSystem finished Shadow of the Colossus
Despite the original being my favourite PS2 game and in my top 10 games of all time, I'd never wanted to play the remake before. The graphics and lighting always looked a bit 'off' to me, and lacking the atmosphere that those fuzzy, misty PS2 graphics gave off.

After I got used to the sharpness of the visuals though and the slightly terrible rendition of Wanda's face, I really fell for this remakes charms.

It feels like a real labour of love to a game that two decades on, is still one of a kind. It's been so long since I replayed the original that I can't tell if this is greatly altered, but it didn't seem to be to me.

That feeling of isolation, sadness and that you are doing a bad thing is still very much there. The ruined landscape is largely empty and devoid of life, but the glimpses of a lost civilization and nature are beautiful.

The music is as incredible as I remember it. And this remake is gorgeous. I lost track of how many times I stood marvelling at the vistas, colossus and world.

Gameplay wise, the quirks are still there that I largely like. The awkward controls convey this sense that you might fall hundreds of feet at any moment and that you are a small, insignificant blight on these majestic beasts. Some of the shoddy 20 year old camera work and controls did bug me on that final, disappointing colossus but that aside, they were fine for me.

The star of the show is still the colossi. I'd forgotten several of them and felt like a genius working out the solutions, only resorting to a guide once when I knew what to do, just not how to trigger it. Giant, living platforms to climb. A simple idea on paper, a staggering achievement in reality.

It feels like witchcraft to me, even now, how someone came up with that idea and pulled it off. And with such variety. I'm still not sure gaming has bettered that feeling of when you grab onto the flying colossus here or work out how to ride beneath the waves on another.

Ueda's work has always been magical to me. He's the greatest game designer in my eyes for his 3 titles to date. They represent singular, huge thoughts, executed to a level that whole AAA studios never get near. I understand why people get annoyed at the controls or how clear instructions are left vague; but that mystery and fragility are what make these games so special to me.

And you can see how Shadow of the colossus has inspired so many great games since; Breath of the wild. Xenoblade Chronicles. Bayonetta. Elden Ring.

I am so glad that it's now got a playable version that will endure for many years to come.

11 days ago

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