When I first played this game as a kid, like a decade ago, I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. But after having replayed the trilogy fairly recently, I fail to understand why the third installment is being held to such a high regard.

The story feels extremely rushed and is full of plot holes that are never explained. For example: 1) How did Talbot survive being shot? 2) What's up with the spiders? 3) Why does Marlowe need the water from the city when she already has mind controlling dart guns?

The whole game feels like a check list. Like as if Sony went to the developers and said, we want a game where Drake travels to London, France and Syria. We also want him to get lost in the desert. And while you're at it, make him fall out of a plane. It's less of a cohesive narrative and more like a showcase for level design, a locale buffet if you will, which admittedly is where this game shines (with the shipyard level being my personal favorite), but the constant change in scenery feels very forced.

In Among Thieves you were hanging from a train that was hanging off a cliff. In Drake's Deception, you're hanging from a cargo net that's hanging off a plane. Uncharted 3 tried to replicate 2's greatest hit, but ended up over exaggerating it, almost at the risk of becoming a parody of itself.

Uncharted 3 is not a bad game by any stretch of the definition. Most casual players won't even notice these nitpicks, but I did. And while I don't think the mainline Uncharted series has any bad games in it, Drake's Deception is certainly the weakest.

TLDR: Only get this game if you have 2-3 friends to play with, and for the love of all that's good, stay away from the For Honor forums and subreddits.

I've been playing For Honor on and off for about 5 years now. It's a one of a kind game that mixes the fighting and moba genres, creating something truly unique. If you spend some time to learn the basics of gameplay, it can be very enjoyable.

Unfortunately, that's where my praise ends. While the core gameplay is pretty solid, everything else surrounding the game makes for a very frustrating experience.

The toxicity of the For Honor community is rivaled only by few others. In it, you'll find some of the saltiest people in existence. Players that can't accept they're bad at the game, and will blame everything except their own lack of skill.

If you plan on purchasing the game to solo queue, make sure to set some money aside for therapy. The sheer incompetence of most of the teammates I've ever been matched with, haunts my dreams. A weird pattern I've noticed, is that, the reputation level of some players is inversely proportional to their actual skill. You'll see 10-20 rep players that play like pros, and 200+ rep players that can't get a kill to save their lives.