Pseudoregalia is a refreshing take on the Metroidvania genre. It's got excellent movement, classic lock-and-key progression, and a uniquely strange atmosphere to its world - at times it felt like I was wandering through a forgotten indie horror game.
Sybil (my beloved) can gather a wide array of abilities over the course of the game, but most of these are movement-oriented. This leaves the combat feeling very underdeveloped - many fights are won by just circling your enemies and spamming the basic attack or charging for heavy attacks, assuming you're even in combat long enough to need such a strategy. The game's boss fights are similarly simple, with no health bars or indicators of any kind, and no phase variety as far as I could tell. All that said, I still found the combat satisfying.
All-in-all, I really enjoyed Pseudoregalia, and I'd quite like to have a go making my own spiritual successor!

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2023
