Sometimes I like to play games before the AVGN covers them so I can laugh at the same stuff he makes fun of. That said, I don't think I got very far when I played this, and there is one good reason why.

Colorblindness Rating: F
Having one of your stage gimmicks be based on being able to traverse yellow pipes but not green pipes is AWFUL. Who made this choice? I spent more time trying to figure out where I could cross over and over again because I can't tell the yellow pipes from the green pipes. AVGN put it best. What a shitload of fuck.

Reviewed on May 21, 2024


24 days ago

Need you to play puzzle fighter next so someone can understand my suffering of matching yellow and green gems

23 days ago

@MagneticBurn ok so i rushed to "legally acquire" the puzzle fighter rom and holy shit i see what you mean i need to go write a review about it

22 days ago

Next you'll need to try Puzzle Kombat on Ultimate Mortal Kombat for DS to confirm whether or not I'm just as blind as I think I am.

21 days ago

@Vee Checked out Puzzle Kombat, that shit is so ASS. Thanks for the suggestion so I can make a list of these kinds of games later once I've accrued a collection.