Man, all of my recent reviews have been kind of downers. Let's fix that with a good game.
Megaman Zero takes place way after the Maverick Wars of Megaman X, which takes place after the Wily Wars in the original Megaman games. So, a lot of shit has happened that led to the events of Zero; thankfully, all you need to know was that X, the protagonist of Megaman X, ended the Maverick Wars and became some kind of weird spirit projection thing and he also created the city of Neo-Arcadia where Reploids (the humanoid robots, basically) and humans could live in peace. I would suggest playing at least the first Megaman X before trying this one out, but this game does a decent job at filling you in even if you don't.

I think the most striking aspect about this game is how solemn and dark it is.
The original Megaman was super cheery and made you think: "Dr. Wily's come up with a dastardly plan and hijacked Dr. Light's robots! You're the only one who can stop this evil mastermind!"
Then Megaman X came along and made you think: "Sigma's plan to destroy our society as we know it must not come to fruition; you have to stop him before he succeeds!"
However, Megaman Zero places you in a different state of mind, and I think it's because in this game, the worst has already come to pass. In any of the previous games, the story would begin with the Copy X's uprising and you'd have to stop him, but that has already happened way long ago by the time the game actually begins. You're suddenly thrust into being part of a tiny Resistance that has to fight against unsurmountable odds, you don't have the familiarity of the classic Robot Master select screens, this game took a massive departure from the classic formula and I think this was the best time for it.

So, that about covers the atmosphere and story. How's the gameplay? Well, it's tough as shit! You die 3 times and you're permanently locked out of the stage, which is a baffling decision honestly considering some bosses do crazy amounts of damage and have pretty sophisticated patterns that you're going to have to memorize. Want my advice? Use save states. There is no shame in wanting to actually play the content in the game. Oh, and also grind your weapon rank whenever possible to make things easier for yourself.
That said, the boss fights in this game are actually pretty fun. My favorites are Anubis Necromancess III, Fairy Leviathan, and Sage Harpuria; and it just so happens that they're actually pretty fun characters in this game.

This game oozes a lot of charm in general, from the Cyber-Elf descriptions to the little pre-boss interactions, you can definitely feel the passion put into this game and I really appreciate that.
So, overall? Pretty fun game.

Colorblindness Rating: A
I don't recall having any issues with color in this game. Thank god.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
