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1 day

Last played

November 16, 2023

Platforms Played


Haha, I said. I will play this bad gameboy game they put on Switch, baffling everyone. Honestly it's charming. They don't make godawful games as part of marketing pushes for failed kids' movies anymore. The bad guy has a really weird-shaped head which I liked. The game is aggressively middling.

Got to the second boss, which had the world's most messed up hitboxes and I died. I hadn't saved in a fair amount of time and lost like, I dunno, 10 minutes of progress which is too much. That's on me, but they make you pay your precious ingame money to save! What am I supposed to do, make good decisions? COME ON!

Snake enemies in the second area wrap you up and make you mash the button to shake them off. Bespoke sprite just for that. I wonder who decided that the snakes had to have an entire unique animation instead of just hurting you normally. A pervert of some kind? I hope so. It would be nice if someone got some satisfaction from this.