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1 day

Last played

November 26, 2023

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Alright listen. I'm playing 7 after Ishin and I need to set out a RANKING. I need to get my SHIT together for this. For this reason I'm going back and I'm gonna give my basic ranking of these suckers. I've spent too many hours in Kamurocho not to do it. Just note that I am only putting the log date in like this because this site is garbage I haven't actually played it since 2016. Which, honestly I thought it was older than that but the period of time between 2016 and 2023 is infinite, essentially. I am smarter and gayer and cuter and prettier and anyway I don't think my rating would hold up through another playthrough but I'm also not doing that. I guess I'll just list things in no particular order this can't be a real review.

This one... is... alright. Playing it after knowing Zero probably helps but also hurts because on one hand it's like, Nishiki! I love that guy! His betrayal it hurts me. But on the other hand it hurts because the game is less good.

Majima everywhere! What a funny guy who got popular and is being kinda grafted back onto the game. It's fun though he pops up out of the sewers and stuff.

It's so funny that they put in a guy who like, lives underground and has a network of spy cameras and homeless guys working for him. Florist of Sai probably amongst the worst narrative devices/characters.

Honestly glad I was more underlevelled than I normally am in these games when it came to the final boss. I should do that in 7 instead of going full completionist prior to premium. It just rules when the last boss is a whole long dragged out cool guy fight.

The scenes showing the jokerfication of Nishiki are pretty cool. I would really want to re-watch them. But conceptually I just wanna see my bro go evil.

It's so funny that Kiryu is like 40 here and the story is about everyone thinking he's washed up and him being the cool honorable guy and then that's just the plot of every subsequent game also as he gets older and older and they won't let him retire or die. I know he has cancer in 8 or something but I don't believe it in a second my guy is going to be forced to sing Baka Mitai in every game until the actual end of society