I thought I would be in here like a rebel liking this more than Circle of the Moon but no, turns out it's still the worst of these. I do like that it's more open-ended than Circle, which was more like a series of distinct levels you did in a certain order, and I like how it's one of the nicest looking GBA games. I even like the music, which is very low tech bleeps. It's charming! It's also less grindy and difficult than Circle. Shoutouts to the shoulder buttons being directional dashes, which is fun, and the fact that Juste Belmont has some pretty casual chats with Death, who is just hanging out for most of the game.

Where it falls down is that it's simply just kind of dull. There are a hundred trillion bosses but they're all pretty samey. They copied the upside-down castle with a new gimmick: the rightside-up castle, leading to you just traversing almost the exact same areas twice each.

Also: Juste finds a random empty room in Dracula's castle and is like "Wow I should furnish this" and that's very funny

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2021
