Touhou macro-level plots are generally at their best when they're just weird meditations on things instead of actually attempting to have stakes, and Ten Desires is definitely one of those. The whole thing is mostly a setup for the next fighting game, setting up a Taoist faction in the setting and the idea that they might want a full scale religious war with the Buddhists from UFO.

Touhou was always about myths, folklore, and their place in the modern world, but Ten Desires specifically looks at historical figures by having the antagonist be Prince Shotoku, a very well-known figure, and then having him actually be completely different from the legends in ways that maybe accidentally feel like wild conspiracy theories. Secretly Taoist. Secretly in league with her enemies. Secretly an anime lady with headphones and not the mustached guy on the currency.

Frankly, as a North American colonizer, all the closest legendary historical figures are extremely recent, so there's less of the whole "might not have actually existed" going on, but you don't have to look far to find the mythologizing of real people. How many shitty copy paste stories about Albert Einstein owning liberal teachers have you seen? I love what Miko adds to the flavor of the Touhou setting and I love her stupid hair.

Oh yeah the game? The shooting? It's a really easy one designed for new people to have an easy time getting into it. The special mechanic isn't super exciting but it can be kind of fun to power up and shoot a bunch of bullets. I like this one.

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2022
