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Time Played

4h 28m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 7, 2023

First played

December 6, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


It's your same old Larry and it's not. I see the Lounge Lizards being a classic some people want to play it in a modern way and backed with Kickstarter Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded did happen. But it's not worth mentioning to me in more than just a few words.

See, the VGA remake of the original that already was sort of a remake of a text adventure called Softporn, did that job quite nicely though it might still be too old school for the kids. I, having played the original over and over, especially when it was installed on a school computer, would still prefer the parser version, that gives the game something truly mysterious and therefore adventurous no remake can offer.

In case of Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded, that I like the general art style of, but can't familiarize with the digitally brushed close ups, I also sense a big difference in tone. It's basically the same story with slight changes that won't stop you from finishing in four hours even if you try out all the possibilities. But it's a lot less innocent, more like unnecessarily nasty.

Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded doesn't display the protagonist as a clumsy charming creep that can use your help and that might actually help you finding out a few things not to do if you're still an adolescent looking for love yourself. To me in Reloaded Larry isn't much more than a creep anymore and you don't have to try what phrase could cause something funny to happen. You just click through the icons looking for an effect that usually isn't played out anyway.

The magic has worn off, so despite the modern voice acted Point'n'Click outfit it's probably frustrating if you don't know what to do and a rather boring chase if you do. It wasn't as exciting as letting Larry finally score in the original, because the setting, that also doesn't punish your failures anymore, doesn't even allow for it. The original was short and not the best game after all, but it kinda drew me in having goosebumps whenever I could make Larry advance in his world. That's gone. Even more than in the VGA version.