I liked this one, it was sort of like they missed the point and accidentally made a Zelda knockoff, but a competant one. I don't remember any dialogue and I'm sure it's full of cliches and has aged as well as any game writing from that era, but I never cared about this series for a minute until the art style here caught my eye. I got a soft spot for any game that lets you visibly improve/change the world which is why I probably rank this and The Saboteur higher than they should be.

And I thought the movie missed the point. Wow.

One of the most late 2000s games in every respect.

This is probably the best 1.5 star game I ever played.

This was fun and charming, loved playing this. It's weird and sad it never got a sequel but hey that's Rare for ya.

The stupidest shooter reboot got an equally stupid sequel. Absolutely boring and inept in every way. This is a real "fool me twice, shame on me" game.