742 Reviews liked by Metalswitchsnake

Cool game. I remember not being able to finish the last couple levels so got to watch my dad finish it.

bit.trip runner & bit.trip fate are definitely my favorite ones to play, everything else is just average or pretty annoying

Will probably be the closest I get to Pirates 6 for years, which is simultaneously cathartic and depressing.

Not perfect. Often repetitive and filled with Sea of Thieves lore that I don't really care for yet the game insists on dedicating entire levels to, but goddamn it feels so good to experience a new Captain Jack Sparrow adventure again.

Geeked out so hard at all the little references to both the films and the ride that made my heart soar so high. And seeing Jack sail into the horizon once again, quite possibly for the last time depending on the direction they go with Pirates 6, was deeply bitter-sweet and so beautiful. Felt like saying goodbye to an old friend.

Genuinely understands and has a greater reverence for Jack Sparrow, PotC lore, and the history of the series than DMTNT ever did.