742 reviews liked by Metalswitchsnake

fuck the end of the campaign fuck iw all my homies hate iw

30 minutes of fun with hot anime girls in your area

would've been a 5 if it wasn't for that stupid goofy ass flower saying he believes in me. i will stomp the shit out of you do not talk to me ever again.

how the fuck is majima everywhere. how does he keep coming back.

i hit him in the head with a bicycle.
i threw trashcans at him.
i stabbed him multiple times.
i beat him senseless with a pipe.
i slammed him on his neck.
i fucking shot him.
i threw him in a river.

he just keeps coming back. he has grown too powerful. i can’t sleep at night. he’s in my walls.

god help me.

i would drag my nuts through 8 miles of broken glass if it meant tifa would grant me direct eye contact for a mere 5 seconds

i got 3 strikes in a row at the bowling alley and was rewarded with a chicken who managed my real estate empire, netting me billions of dollars in the process

perhaps the greatest game ever made

the man in black may be the only human who can rival majimas immortality in kiwami 1

i set him on fire
i blew him up with grenades
i sliced his throat with a katana
i caved his skull in with a baseball bat
i fucking ran him over with an 18 wheeler

yet he remains alive. how? nobody knows.

the physics in this game were absolutely fucked. at first it's like hehe funny ragdoll but sometimes it's hard to use a heat action or recover from getting knocked down because you're fucking ice skating across the room

i love portal so i will play every mod there is and i will have fun but i need the narrator to respectfully shut the fuck up

why the fuck am i fighting construction equipment

haruto gets launched like a fucking football (circa 2016)

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