3 Reviews liked by Methistopheles

Full Metal Daemon Muramasa saved my life, before I read this game I had a cancer and was going to die. I never came to accept the fact that I was going to go so I fell into a deep depression, I couldn’t handle the thought. But what I was doing was unhealthy and everyone picked up on the fact that I was in complete denial. They all tried to get help for me but I turned it all down because I told myself that I didn’t need help. “you’re going to be fine” I told myself. “nothings wrong” “it’s all in your head...” until the thought of death finally came to me and took over the entirety of my personality “I don’t want to go...” “I DON’T WANT TO GO” “I DON’T WANT TO GO”. All the help my family had tried to give me had failed and its all because of my depression and denial. I could’ve gotten help... but I kept telling myself there was nothing wrong. And I grew sicker, and sicker, and sicker... until I became so sick I could not get out of bed. My skin grew dry and pale, I grew skinny and weak. I could barely move and was constantly coughing up blood. I tried to come to accept the fact that I was going to die, but I couldn’t. Then I officially got the news that I would die in 12 hours when I woke the next day. I cried and cried all day until my daughter walked up to my bed. She said very tearfully “we really tried, dad. We did everything we thought of. There’s only one thing left that I can do...” she passed me a copy of Muramasa. “what’s this?” I asked. “the only option we have left...” she said as she walked out of the room and slowly closed the door behind her. I picked up the copy of Muramasa and looked at the cover. The art on the cover was absolutely gorgeous, I was completely speechless at how stunning the cover was and how it got across such a big message with one simple piece of artwork. I opened up the game to what would end up being the most heart racing, realistic, and emotional adventure I'd ever go on. The characters felt so much like real people and i found myself full on crying multiple times because of how the characters got me caught up in the story like it was actually happening. It felt real. After reading this game I was so extremely grateful that i got to witness what might be the best work of literature on earth the night before I had to leave it. After reading this game I became cleansed, I felt truly at peace with everything. I sat at my bed, getting ready for eternal slumber. Once I went to bed, I had 2 more hours. My body would give up before the morning, and that’d be it. I finally lied down I quietly said to myself “I’m okay with this...” as I slowly drifted off the sleep. This is it. This is my end. Until... I woke up. I looked out the window and saw that it was morning. I was so confused and was sure that this was a dream and not reality but sure enough it was. I started sobbing "tears in my eyes peak fiction*. I saw my hospital and said that even though there was no treatment that I took that my disease had completely vanished. He said that suddenly, I was the healthiest I've ever been and that I now have no clear sign of death. I would live a long and happy life, and I'm not sick anymore. “what happened, what did you do to get rid of it?” he said. I told him “Look up Muramasa on JAST store. I didn’t conquer death, it did. And trust me... it’s way more than a visual novel” Muramasa saved my life. I could not be more thankful for this masterpiece. If Bean is reading this review, I want him to know that I have conquered death. Thank you.

Whatever you say, moron. I uniironically think Narahara is the best writer of all time across all mediums. His complex treatment of themes, and his deep understanding of the human condition is unparalleled and unprecedented. He's a dreamer, teacher, and a writer at the same time. The best thing about Muramasa is Kageaki Minato is literally Narahara. Narhara knows what art truly means, and his uncompromising vision to elevate VNs to the level of art is perfectly executed in Muramasa. You really need to give up being a human if you don't like his work/think its lowbrow porn. He's the only one in this medium who genuinely wants to make art instead of products to be sold on the market for profit. You rarely find people like him even in literary circles. You can find zero flaws in his work, and if you believe there to be flaws, you either didn't understand or are making them up to be contrarian and by doing so ignoring what he achieves making you a low iq fuck

🔲 My grandma could play it
🔲 Easy
☑️ Normal
🔲 Hard
🔲 Dark Souls


🔲 MS Paint
🔲 Bad
🔲 Meh
🔲 Graphics dont matter in this game
☑️ Good
🔲 Beautiful
🔲 Masterpiece


🔲 Bad
🔲 Not special
🔲 Good
☑️ Beautiful


🔲 This game has no story
☑️ It's there for the people who want it
🔲 Well written
🔲 Epic story
🔲 You choose your fate


🔲 Free
🔲 Underpriced
🔲 Perfect Price
🔲 Could be cheaper
🔲 Overpriced
☑️ Complete waste of money


🔲 You can run it on a microwave
☑️ Average
🔲 High end
🔲 NASA computer


🔲 Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
🔲 Short (3 - 15 hours)
☑️ Average (15-50 hours)
🔲 Long (50-90 hours)
🔲 Extremely long (90-110 hours)
🔲 No ending

~ FUN ~

☑️ I'd rather watch paint dry
🔲 Hard to enjoy
🔲 Repetitive
🔲 Actually pretty amusing
🔲 Ride of your life


🔲 It's a one-time experience
🔲 Only for achievements
☑️ If you wait a few months/years
🔲 Definitely
🔲 Infinitely replayable


☑️ No
🔲 Wait for sale
🔲 Yes