Let's start positive here. This game has got some fun ideas. It has super wacky weapons that are fun to use and its really satisfying to just absolutely shred through massive hoards of zombies. This game is really really good at that. Just letting you go absolutely ham on SO many zombies. Its also got cute little capcom references here and there. Andddddddd thats all I got positively. I didn't play the games before this so many I would care more about the story if I had, but MAN did I really not care for this game's story. Very predictable, forgettable characters, not very engaging. The voice acting is also just not very good. The game also def looks like a launch xbox one game so take that for what you will. Navigating the overworld is also a massive chore because missions are usually across the entire world and you have to get there in a poorly controlled car slowly from point A to point B. Playing this game with a friend also makes is incredibly fucking easy. You just jump the shit out of zombies and bosses. Side quests and stuff really aren't worth noting. This entire game is just sort of okay at best. Im pretty sure the only reason I enjoyed it is because I played it with a friend, but I would be lying if I said I didn't have some sort of fun with it. If you are going to play this game, play with a friend and just turn off your brain.

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2023
