A thrilling murder mystery Visual Novel that perfectly captures what so many love about the genre. The twists and turns will have you constantly guessing what's going to happen next, and who the true culprit is.

An easy way to detect a good Visual Novel is by taking a look at the cast. The depth of the characters and their chemistry with one another is key to creating a compelling visual novel that will continuously keep the player engaged. The Missing Heir nails that. The protagonist either connects with everyone he meets, or there is a stiff tension that manages to make even you uncomfortable by it. As the story progresses you'll likely become very attached to some of those who are affected directly by the mystery, and have to watch helplessly unable to assist their sorrows.

Another strong quality of any good mystery Visual Novel is the ability to keep you guessing. I believe I suspected nearly every character except for the actual culprit (as you knew them at least) of the crime at one point or another. The game consistently blew my socks off, especially towards the end.

It is really only held back by a few annoying to discover progressions, and slight pacing issues at times. Nothing major though. Overall, very satisfied with the purchase. Very glad that these games finally made it to the west officially.

Reviewed on May 16, 2021
