If you're looking for a game to have fun, then look somewhere else.
The first 100 hours are honestly delightful, every move, string and style of each character is pretty cool as you're learning it all. This is specially fun when you have matches with friends, in the beginning that is...
The more you play, the more the game's faults come to light, and soon, all you are able to see is the garbage hitboxes, how sidesteping is basicaly useless, how the frame data makes no sense, how the customization was probably put together the weekend before launch, and how you should've payed 4.99 for that busted character.
I like this game, but I can no longer have fun with it.
Some may call this a skill issue and saltiness, and while I would agree on both of these points, I still think think Tekken 7 is an incomplete game.
P.S. Rage Art is trash and has no place in a game like this