the original dead space had a kind of Quiet Bravado , confidently and freely stealing from all sorts of sources with enough charisma to pull them into something lovable. one of the main courses is clearly resident evil 4, and if yr gonna rip off resident evil 4, you'll probably be better served by an Irresponsibly Maximalist Bigger And Badder Video Game Sequel then a focused and pristine first run. that it doesnt sacrifice polish, creative integrity, or even that much Texture in the translation is absolutely astonishing! obviously i wouldnt go so far as to say it Replaces The Original or anything (i like it still prob like 90% as much as i like this, and there are things u can accomplish by confining the whole thing to a single location that cant quite be replicated in this rollercoaster approach) but what it accomplishes ends up just a Bit More to my tastes. even the horror!!! which is less Tense and Claustrophobic sure but even on normal difficulty this pushed me to my limit of resource management and panic-inducing action , its incredibly astute at pressing fleeting, but thrilling Fight Or Flight buttons. and ofc the Grotesque and Conceptual nature of the horror cant be ignored either, its less Classy for sure lmao but its closer to my horror tastes...the enemy design, the needle scene, the fucking school section, theres massive massive love and aptitude for Genre Indulgence that i just love love love!!! too many instantly unforgettable moments to name rly. absolutely lives up to resident evil 4's standard for setpiece design and even evolves it in some ways! im as sure that i'll replay this several times as i am that i'll probably easily get a five star rating the next time i go thru it. rly rly special honestly!

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2023
