Log Status






Time Played

7h 48m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 5, 2022

First played

July 4, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


QB isn't without flaws. The entire game is very slow, from the story to the gameplay, and to the fact that to get the whole picture you need to watch videos with no speed playback options. There are quite a few moments where you might just want to jump into action but the game uses everything save for direct force to get you to slow down, which I felt was annoying. Difficulty wise, the game is a joke, but that's pretty intentional, I believe. You are a time-wielding demigod, and the game does its best to get that across with its sound design and visuals, similar to Control. However, the more bullet spongy enemies late game tend to take away that feeling once you know that three mags won't take them down.

In terms of story, I was surprised at how competently written it was. This being time travel we're dealing with, there was restraint and logic used accordingly to tie up threads as needed. The characters were more hit or miss. Some of the voice lines at times just felt off, but at other times they felt completely believable. Other times, it was up to you whether a character made a decision that made sense for them, but whatever choice you made, the consequences rippled down nonetheless.

Play it if you really like the idea of time powers, but don't expect anything ground shaking. Also, if you're having trouble with the final fight, don't be afraid to turn the difficulty down. That fight can be some real BS.