i've only dedicated about 4-5 hours so far, which isn't a lot on gacha terms, but the first 4-5 hours are THE most important time in a gacha and if i feel like this after them then that's a dire state for the game itself to be in.

the story is largely incapable of being gripping, the voice acting in english is horribly directed (i believe i heard that they hired largely a british voicing studio and its very clear a lot of them are trying to hide a british accent) and i think most importantly for a gacha the character designs are all largely nothing. to use the obvious comparison, genshin designs are all overly designed messes with too many details, but they are very clearly done so in the way a kid designing their first oc is. the overdesign is out of love for the character, there is no quota trying to be hit by making a nightmare for cosplayers, they just think it would be cool as shit to have this many little fidgets and bangles. in contrast, wuwo feels heavily designed by committee. i see them falling for the same trappings a lot of hoyo designs fall for but with no willingness to experiment with color and no real risk taken. they're cluttered without any meaning other than genshin designs being cluttered.

exploration is passable, but clunky. i do appreciate the improvements over genshin insofar as the wallrunning and sprinting not consuming stamina, plus the data bank system affecting how much stamina you get is a lot more compelling than suffering in mondstat and liyue for about 5 hours with the interractive map open. but theres multiple weird bits of collision jank, the more focused movement has very low precision, and there's a fucking invisible wall with no reason given north of the map. that might sound like a silly concern but why fucking have it be an open world if i can just randomly get walled off for no reason? there's clearly region over there and a vision tower for me to put my gourd in in that area, it's not an early access thing. put an indicator on the map so i know. genshin did it with stormterrors lair. they did it with inazuma. can you not follow their example with this? cmon its SO easy to beat genshin you dont need to stumble over shit they nailed at launch???

Reviewed on May 24, 2024

1 Comment

28 days ago

Disagree with the take about Genshin's designs because I think its one of its strongest qualities (each one is very recognizable, distinct and takes heavy inspiration from the culture and region they're based in). I also don't feel they have "too much information" at all, if anything I think they work perfectly with Genshin's cartoonish anime style.

Aside from that, excellent review, summarizes perfectly what I thought about WuWa. Don't see myself playing this in the future at all. Game feels like its still in beta.