A very silly turn-based RPG with scantly clad women in a 90s anime style.

The premise is that all girls are being kidnapped and turned into monsters. It's a very silly setting where you'll be fighting all kinds of monster girls.

It's got an all-female cast of warriors filling different stereotypes and fighting for justice! Some magical girl vibes.

There's not much of a story but there is comedy. Some recurring jokes, some adult ones, some stupid. It's silly comedy.

Battle mechanics aren't great but it's got interesting ideas like having 3 mana bars for 3 different types of skills, and having each character level up at a different pace for each of them.

This is a port from the original PC-98 version from 1992 (or rather, a port from the PC Engine port). And from what little I've played that one, the game got a little butchered when ported.

For example in the SFC version you can look at your full body sprite when equipping an armor... but the in-game sprites never change so it's a mostly useless feature. While in the original you actually get to see your overworld/battle sprites changed as well. Real bummer. The graphics in general are more detailed in the original, which is crazy because it's a less powerful system. Same goes for the music, lower quality but better sounding, in my opinion at least.

Only this version has been translated unfortunately. But I still recommend playing it if you like 90s animes or magical girls, and want some light hearted fun with a sprinkle of adult jokes.

Oh and if you enjoy this game don't forget to watch the anime OVA based on it :)

Not a bad game for Capcom's first venture into the genre. Here are some of its main redeemable qualities (with their caveats):

+ Character design: Unique and memorable characters, some of them will see future iterations in the following games and remain loved to this day for their design and personalities.

- Con: There isn't much character development.

+ Music: A very cool soundtrack. The main theme is awesome and you'll hear it a lot (it's in the overwold), it's a staple of the series. Unlike other RPGs, the best songs here are in towns, which is where you'll spend a big part of your time as well.

- Con: Dungeon songs are boring, and become annoying quickly. And you'll also spend a lot of time in these.

+ Abilities: Each character has their own unique abilities they can use either in the overworld or in dungeons/towns. Like fishing, hitting trees, and so on. Some of them allow you to find secrets hidden around the world, allowing for some interesting exploration.

- Con: Sadly, the exploration part isn't used to the fullest. Sometimes you're just forced to use a particular ability. And some abilities are used once or twice and then completely forgotten for the rest of the game (I'm looking at you big fish underwater ability)


Other problems with this game are:

- Story: Really poor and basic "stop the main villain from conquering the world" kind of story. There is some world building to what will become a bigger story later in the series though.

- THE GAME IS GRINDY: If you're gonna play on emulator I strongly recommend using a 2x experience patch. Otherwise you'll meet an extremely unbalanced grind factor where you'll have to circle around the dungeons for hours to be able to beat the bosses.

- Translation: I think Ted Woolsy just did the best he could with some horrible limitations. A lot of weird dialogue, mistakes and shortened text. Specially annoying are the shortened item names, you can't really tell what anything does in this game. For this I recommend the "War of the Goddess" sort-of-retranslation patch (it's based on Woolsy's script but improved).


I recommend playing this game first if you wanna get into the series. It'll be hard to go back to this game after you've played the 2nd one, which improves upon basically everything, and fixes most of these cons. It'll also make that experience so much better after you've already seen some of the characters and the world built in this first game.