Donut County was in a bundle with Neon White during a "Publisher Sale" on Steam and I bought it because I wanted Neon White and this game was just 1€ or so.

I don't know what I expected tbh. I thought it was about a racoon which sales donuts to some people.'s that, but not entirely. I won't spoil the story, but it's a "feed that hole" type of game.

You're controlling a hole and you must eat the planet. It reminded me a tiny bit of Katamari, cause you're destroying the world with your main item. You are thrown into around 15 short levels and you must feed your hole to accomplish the level. As I said, the game has a little story to give, but I won't spoil it, because I'm no spoiler and I skipped half of the dialogues.

It's a little game which I completed in 1 hour and 20 minutes. So if you got 1h30 or 2h free and you don't know what to do with that time, play Donut County. It's not that bad, but nothing great either.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
