Air Marty 2019

Log Status






Time Played

2h 1m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 1, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Ever wanted to relive the old Newgrounds era of bizarre videos and surreal humour? Air Marty is a WarioWare inspired game mixed with Lisa's humour and the homemade yet somewhat charming artstyle of old Newgrounds.

That is basically it. Main focus is getting to know all the endings which are a lot. While short, it has a lot to offer when it comes different artstyle/humour and the bizarre situations Marty gets in. And it's no surprise the humour and even some characters desings get inspired by Lisa, it was developed by Myles Jorgensen; and helped by no less than his brother which is the one that gave birth to Lisa The Painful in the first place: Austin Jorgensen. Funny coincidence.

Humour is a hit or miss most of the time, at least for me. Some jokes landed, some fall flat. But if random wacky humour is your thing, give it a try. For 1$ or 2$ is a good time waster.