Log Status






Time Played

112h 5m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 20, 2022

First played

January 15, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This game is god tier in role play games. It gives you freedom to be anything. I personally played as a sane scientific expert in Plasma that helped everyone in the Mojave. The second playthrough was an insane melee psychopath that joined the files of Caesar.

It isn't a FPS game, it's an FPS-RPG game. So it's not Call of Duty with numbers. And no, it's not Destiny either. But you may already have known that.

Factions are present. What the hell is a faction in this game? Well, it's a group with a certain ideology they follow. You can choose what to do with them. Ally with them, do some missions, gain their respect. Kill everyone, it's your choice.

Just play it, stop reading. Be the diplomatic Messiah the Mojave always needed or be the Boogeyman that puts the end to all conflicts, because they're all dead!

The DLC's are great too, some better than others but overall good. My favorites were Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road, both take two wild approaches to it's story and gameplay.