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I always say, true art makes you feel stuff. This made me feel all sort of stuff. Anger, fear, uneasyness, hapiness. Dunno but it's a lot.

At first I though the thing on the image was basically a kid. But it's not, just a very thin girl and a monster. Yeah that thing there, it ain't real chief.

Our main hero fucks this chick that made me angry at first because I though I got tricked into playing a porn game for weirdos, but in reality he's fucking something entirely different because schizophrenia. He lives with her too and never leaves house. Perfect right? Hmm...

The endings are what they are, endings to the story but there is one that is depraved but beautiful, and describes this game perfectly.

It's a horror game, and the psychological one games or stories seem to have lost with time. It'll make you feel a ton of things. You won't be the same after it, at least the first week.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2023
