Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is an interesting game to say the least. The style, atmosphere and some of the scene are like straight out of a asian snuff flim (Not that I watched any). Oh, and the VA is excelent, it feels real.

The story is way simpler than Dead Man (Kane & Lynch 1). The trailers seem to shout for something bigger, but it just ends up in nothing more than a "I did an oopsie, with the wrong people". There is no weight in the story, it just happens and it keeps going without you knowing why.

The action is constant and it never stops, which can be a good and a bad thing, you can get bored of it pretty fast. Good thing they improved by a ton the gameplay compared to Dead Man, it feels way better and the controllers feel responsive as well. Though the gameplay has been tweak, the enemies are as dumb as the first game if not worse. The gunplay isn't much better either, in fact it sucks. The worst offender here is the recoil and the absurd bullet spread, are they afraid of the crossfire or something? It never goes where it supossed to. This was already a problem with the first game but here it feels it is multiplied by 2.
There are some positives though, there's a button for cover! it works just fine and as expected.

This game reminds me a lot of Max Payne 3 and what The Last of Us 2 is, a constant depressing ride through rotten landscapes and gross scenery. For what? For nothing, just to be grotesque and shocking. In fact this game is quite dumb, and pointless at the end of the day. There's no message or something to think for, it's just an 4 hour experience. The ending cuts short fast, like if the budget dissapear that very last second, cuts to black and credits.

This game is not for everyone, not that it is utterly playable or too gory for some people. It's just that the overall feel is pure style over everything. If you delete the camera filter you get at best an average shooter like the first game but worse in everything but the gameplay.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2023
