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Moni reviewed 20 Minutes Till Dawn
As always I took waaaaay too long to complete the game.

20 Minutes Till Dawn is one of those games that you just play to kill time. No story. No dialogue. No intro sequence. Just gameplay. And it just works.

The first thought I had when playing the game was:" Isn't this game awfully similar to this one top down rougue like shooter everybody talked about but I can't remember the name of .... was it Brotato?" No but seriously this game is similar to Vampire Survivor and even I noticed that, having not played the game at all and having seen nothing but pictures. But it is similar in a good way!... atleast I think?

You play as hot females and try to survive for twenty minutes in one of three maps. You kill monsters, level up, get upgrades, kill more small enemies, kill bosses, get character specific upgrades, and try not to get hit by too many enemies or projectiles while fending off the ever increasing amounts of enemies. There are also runes that give overarching buffs that are active from round start. Some of these runes are actually really strong like the windshield that protects you from one projectile every five seconds if I am not mistaken at max rank. Having gotten this rune made completing my first run possible. I like it when abilities, especially those at the end of the tree, feel powerful. Every character has an own identity that gets reinforced through special upgrades you get after killing certain bosses. Overall the different characters felt fun and I had a good time mixing, matching and trying different characters with different weapons to see what works best.

10 / 10. Fun and light experience. Lilith is best.

1 day ago

Moni commented on Beetleman's review of 20 Minutes Till Dawn
Your review's fucking great. I feel similarily but I think the negative apects you mentioned are positives for me. I thought the game was exciting because it was so difficult and makes you appreciate how long twenty minutes actually can be.

1 day ago

1 day ago

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