For decades prior to 2004 video games were usually seen as these ambitious engineering projects that would be under the management of exponentially funded companies that would establish their initial roots in different ways, such as the toy business, vending machine rentals, or just the rolling success of companies that started small and only acquired more fame and capital. Nevertheless, in that time the video game landscape looked mostly like a closed social club, any smaller humble production would usually find its success from ad revenue using Macromedia Flash as its engine. And then one day, Cave Story appeared, a very unique specimen in the globe.

Released originally as Doukutsu Monogatari, this little game made its way through the world by sheer word of mouth and the collective enthusiasm of talented translators that would only broaden the access of this game, and would be given its more famous name, Cave Story. In a broad stroke, it is categorized as a "Metroidvania" using the open map exploration elements, while you juggle your acrobatics with the proper weapons to use on your arsenal. The player takes the role of Quote, an amnesiac robot that has to explore his surroundings to understand what he even is or what is happening. Soon enough he stumbles upon the adorable peace-loving canine-like race of Mimigas, which have been diminishing in numbers as an evil scientist has contested their way of life and is replenishing their island from its rich resources. The game is full of crucial moments that will significantly affect your experience, so you can bet you will be needing more than one playthrough to explore the secrets hidden in this strange island.

The visuals and sounds are delightfully built on crispy pixel art and some catchy lo-res tunes taking some likely queues of the Japanese MSX2, its twitchy action and heart-wrenching story charmed everyone that managed to make any contact with it.

Possibly most shocking from everyone back then it was all built by one person: Amaya "Pixel" Daisuke, and yet, on top of it all, released for absolutely free. This ultimate demonstration of love for video games as a medium sparked a massive interest for other people to seriously try making their own titles. Now, to say Cave Story is the first indie game ever would be an absurd preposterous thing to say, however its influence has caused tectonic impact all over the world, not long after it a surge of independent games would follow through and more and more would realize "hey wait a minute, we could do this as well."

Ever since 2010 Cave Story started to have different console releases with the involvement of Nicalis, and ever since its popularity has only become broader to a more general audience, but the original game is still available for free as it has always been. This game has splendid narrative aspects and a fun twitchy action element that will keep you engaged for a long time. You ought to check it out.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2023
