Log Status






Time Played

3h 26m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 28, 2023

Platforms Played


Some good ideas and creepy vibes, but ultimately kind of a mess.

I wanted to like this game more than I did. I do like walking sims, especially horror ones, but God's Basement falls short in a few areas. First off, the puzzles here can be pretty obtuse. After a short amount of time the game gives you a 'hint,' which is really just the solution spelled out to you, but I'd still occasionally have difficulty understanding what exactly the game expected me to do. I also had a number of control issues. Specifically with interacting with objects. I could only view an object when I was transitioning between normal and zoomed-in views. Not the worst bug, but frustrating when you haven't figured that out yet and you need to view an object to trigger the game progression. Also, while the game features some pretty solid environmental storytelling, the game will occasionally stop to recap everything you're supposed to have learned via a in-game monologue. I feel all of these issues combine to make a otherwise creepy experience become more frustrating than anything.

There's a lot of potential here. I really do like the atmosphere and narrative themes found throughout the game. Although I may have not been completely on board with this game, I'm very interested in seeing what Erebus puts out next.