I found the first 30 or so hours of Hades to be some of the most fun and rewarding video gaming I have ever experienced. A perfect balance of difficulty and rewarding progress, all wrapped in a beautiful vibe. It also feels a lot like better versions of Supergiant's other games. It has the unobtrusive/slow developing narrative of Bastion, and the infinite number of power-up combinations of Transistor (I really need to revisit that one).

Unfortunately, it got to be pretty boring after then. I got to a point where I could get to the final boss without much, if any, difficulty, but then I'd lose to him every time, turning the game into about 90% mindless tedium,10% frustration. Not sure why I found Hades himself to be such an impossible challenge, but hey, I suck at video games. Admittedly, this does not seem to be a common experience, but it is mine.

Either way, Hades is definitely worth trying!!

EDIT: I put this game on the shelf for a few weeks and when I came back managed to beat Hades twice in a row. Combat is fair and rewarding and punishes being sloppy and impatient, like I often am. Bumping my review from 4.5 to 5 stars, this is most likely the best roguelike I've ever played. Hades II is a day one purchase for me.

Reviewed on Sep 01, 2023
