Tetris and Puyo Puyo have stood the test of time so well because they are complex games with very simple rules. Both are easy to pick up, fun for a beginner, and have deceptively deep mechanics for those willing to learn. But oh man, did the fusion mode make me want to throw my Steam Deck out the airplane window.

Still, each individual part is great and this version is super cute!

Fun and engaging enough for me to finish, but I found it to be a bit slow paced and did not care for the combat at all.

Interesting world and worldbuilding, if a bit sparse. Most of the original batch of unlockable upgrades aren't that fun, but once you can hollow out an entire cavern in under 2 minutes it feels cathartic.

A prime case of combining two cool things (Peggle & D&D) and winding up with something lesser than both.

A fine game to play on the Steam Deck while watching sports, but even then I'd probably just recommend Peggle.

Incredibly simple. Impossibly addicting.

Kinda surprised at the mixed reviews this pack's getting. After a few plays I genuinely think it's among the top packs ever.

-Tee K.O. 2 is exactly what you think it is. A welcome update to one of the best Jackbox game ever.

-FixyText is a weird one. It's probably terrible for a group of casual acquaintances, but great with a group of people who know each other well and have lots of experience riffing off of each other. Each time I've played this it's created at least one running gag for the rest of the night. It's a game where the group has to 'provide their own fun,' which I know isn't for everyone, but good dumb fun for those who can.

-Hypnotorious seems to be getting all the hate, but I like it. I think trying to figure out what the categories are and who belongs where is a good time, but I'm not sure why we shouldn't just blurt out who we are immediately? I get that the outlier needs to figure that out and then hide the fact that they're the outlier from the group, but statistically you're probably not the outlier, so why not just force them to out themselves? I've probably played well over 60 social deduction games of various sorts, and while I like the mechanics here, not sure about the meta-game though.

-Timejinx is a trivia game. It's kinda like the card game Timeline, but not as good. No real discussion is fostered by the mechanics and it isn't going to change anyone's mind about trivia games. It's a trivia game!

-Dodo Re Mi is probably the best Jackbox game since Murder Mystery Party. It's a riot with a bunch former Rock Band addicts and sounds silly as hell when everyone's jamming in the same room. I think this game would lose A LOT of it's charm if played virtually via Discord or something, but it's a blast in person. Also, being one of the few (only?) true co-operative games makes it a very welcome addition to the Jackbox line-up.

I really like this pack. I've played it a few times and it's a big hit with every group I've played it with too. I do think most of the games here play best in person, and a few of the games, namely Dodo Re Mi, Hypnotorious & FixyText, would all suffer greatly from being played virtually, but overall I highly recommend, especially if you have long running Jackbox nights.

A pay to progress game with the ability to pay taken out.


Quality boomer shooter. I really like the level design, your arsenal is simple but effective, however the world may be a bit too esoteric for me. Vibes encompass anything from genuinely creepy to absolutely goofy.

Definitely going to keep my eye on Spytihněv's future releases.

Probably the best Suika Game clone.