The campaign is very mediocre, due to the fact that it was rushed it made it extremely short, you don't have time to develop any character, Bell is a horrible protagonist and most of the missions are trash where do you hide most using a stealth that is more similar to a generic stealth from a Ubisoft game than anything else, the game is extremely easy and the American ending is weak, but it makes more sense in the story than the Soviet ending

The multiplayer is good, better than other modern call of duty games like MW19, Vanguard, MWII and MWIII, but the score streak system is bad and noob friendly, It's not rewarding at all, and SBMM broke this mode

The zombies is good but it has no identity, it has a mini map, score streak, the menu is the same as the multiplayer and the easter egg is extremely easy

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024
