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Chromentur completed Who's Your Daddy
Amusing, silly, and occasionally quite morbid - but by this point in the meme = game timeline there were starting to be serious diminishing returns on shit like this. I would have made this my entire personality for a few months if I had played this when I was an obnoxious, deeply unfunny wannabe dank memelord in high school.

12 hrs ago

Chromentur finished Fallout 3: Point Lookout
Quintessential 6/10 DLC, very proto-Far Harbor - its map is generally more remarkable than the latter but its writing really isn't. Gives you tons of great possible story threads to yank on but does virtually nothing with them - a centuries-long feud between two unkillable assholes strewn strictly out of spite and a cult who seeks to reconcile with their own collective trauma by literally lobotomizing themself into what they perceive as blessed ignorance chief amongst them... both totally shrugged off! For shame!! Still offers up a fun challenge but if you thought Mothership Zeta ran like shit.. hoo boy, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

16 hrs ago

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