Finished playing Final Fantasy VII Remake, and what a great game it was. The setting of the game is really unique and it fits the storyline along with the really likeable cast of characters. Cloud has become one of my favorite protagonists mainly because you see his character develop throughout the game, and I am really curious on how his character will further develop in Rebirth. The combat system is amazing, I enjoy it a ton because of how cool some moves are and the banging soundtrack even in moments which you just button mash. But you really gotta have studied the combat a lil bit in order to beat some of the games hardest bosses and even tackle hard mode. You need to know the weaknesses of the enemies you are fighting and adjust your party's loadout accordingly. The set pieces and cutscenes are also really way directed and a pleasure to behold ( there are a lot of moments in which I took screenshots). The graphics have aged really well for a nearly 4 year old game and i think they are better than 16s, while surprisingly keeping a more stable framerate and displaying a higher resolution. Side quests were not anything special, but they were fun and not really a chore, its also recommended that one completes them as they reward you with equipment and XP which is really helpful for the games late game boss fights. As a downside I would say that the game has a bit of filler during chapter 9 to 12, like the game could ve been 2 or 3 hours shorter. I would argue that this is the best game of 2020 and one of the best playstation exclusives I ve ever played and recommending it to anyone who likes a game with great characters story and engaging gameplay. Lets hope that rebirth will be of the same quality of this game or even better surpass it.

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2024
