not gunna rate it cause i played it over a span of like 5 years and only "beat" it now (ive beaten 6 or 7 runs and dont really want to do more), my brother's favorite game but one i dont really care for, most of the weapons feel like mashing is the best strategy because of how fast dash attacks are, some runs feel like there fun is dictated on if im winning or not, and the oh so many rooms that give you no rewards for the current run was particularly frustrating, this is one of the most repetitive feeling roguelikes with almost no variation in how you play each run with VERY easily identifiable repeated rooms with the same or very similar enemy compositions,

i wont really talk much on the story because it didn't grip me enough 5 years ago to not mash through the dialogue and that feeling still persisting, but god this game (along with bastion) will not stfu

i mean a positive is that the game is pretty, great mix of 2d/3d assets that has a style I dont think ive seen emulated before, with great character design and visual design all round,

would be better for me if it didn't have the roguelike aspect and made you beat the game 10 times to say you've beat it, i'd love someone to tell me how this game actually has 5/5 gameplay and design but I just dont see it, and yes i would.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
