A great Castlevania game that builds well upon the first Sorrow game in many areas while stumbling over a few.

While this game's spritework is a ton more detailed than the first, the promotional art and portraits have taken a huge hit due to Ayami Kojima solely focusing on Curse of Darkness during its development period. In the gameplay department; accompanying a slew of gameplay improvements like weapon crafting and being able to have 2 loadouts you can interchange on the go, the movement does feel a tad bit more sluggish (something you'll definitely recognize if you played the first). The negatives I've listed are definitely minor compared to the positives, but they have somewhat impacted my enjoyment of the game at times, although not to a crucial degree as my score would like to imply.

This game's extra mode is godlike however, and is a must-play for anyone who gives this game a try. All in all, one of the greater Castlevania games - and you owe it to yourself to experience it if you played Aria of Sorrow.

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2022
