Final Fantasy III was perhaps the best Final Fantasy of the NES era. It introduced the modern job system as we would come to know it, or at least a prototypical version of it. Unfortunately, Square seems to have one developer with a functional brain, so many sections induce artificial difficulty via forcing you to use a certain job, like the dragoon job; or they require the mini status to be induced on your party for a full dungeon, which isn't fun.

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2022


1 year ago

Friendly reminder the pixel remaster fixes the game a ton

1 year ago

Friendly reminder the pixel demaster also looks like total dogshit

1 year ago

Also, 'artificial difficulty' is a silly term and does a poor job of describing the game. The sections where you're forced into using certain jobs aren't especially difficult compared to the rest of the game. I don't really see why these sections are such a big deal; they really aren't especially common or long aside from the Cave of Shadows, and encourage the player to experiment with the job system instead of coasting through the whole game with Knight/Knight/Black Mage/White Mage, so they add some nice gameplay variety. I don't think games pushing you out of your comfort zone is a sign of the dev team apparently having only one developer with a functional brain. Regardless, I think FF3 has way bigger problems you didn't mention, like the entire finale being a complete trainwreck gameplay-wise