"We organics are driven by emotion instead of logic. We will fight even when we know we cannot win."

The combat is janky, the enemy AI is barely an AI and the mako is super clunky (I personally love it, but I'm not excluding that it might just be Stockholm syndrome at this point), but damn do I love this game so much. The trilogy is not without its flaws, but it is easily the game series that I've replayed the most. I love the universe, atmosphere, and diverse sets of races. There is lore and worldbuilding everywhere, and you can immerse yourself as much or as little as you'd like.

The characters are one of the biggest highlights of the game, and I loved spending time talking to all of them, learning about their pasts, personalities, and little quirks. Voice acting is also good, imo :)

The Legendary Edition of the game does fix most of the clunkiness that this version suffers, makes it more coherent with the other 2 games and the improved visuals and lighting make the first game look like I usually imagine that the original version looks like until I boot it up.

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2023
