Log Status






Time Played

9h 29m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 5, 2022

Platforms Played


this game thrives off of the platinum logo on the box. it feels like a mish-mash of ideas taken from all of platinum’s other, more significant games. witch time is back again, you zandatsu enemies to recover health and use angled sword slashes to cut objects, theres a hyper-autistic upgrade system involving chips that require space and 80% of which are damn useless. yet of all the platinum games this one steals its identity from, it chooses the visual aesthetics of Vanquish and Anarchy Reigns. a mix of boring cyberpunk slums and obnoxiously overdesigned psuedo-sci-fi enemies combined with the switch’s native 240p output makes this game damn hard to look at sometimes, even when there isnt a mess of particle effects on screen that obscure all the action and enemy telegraphs. this game is a mess and distinctly lacking its own personality thanks to the characteristically uncharismatic sci fi story about how humans are kind of the bad guys, actually. its another mid-at-best and boring-at-worst Platinum game that will be and possibly already has been forgotten by time. this studio continues to disappoint, and i dread to think their heyday has come and gone.