is it simple? yeah, duh, obviously, of course, but therein lies its greatness

Devil Daggers is a game that makes a lot with a little. the second to second gameplay is immediate and engaging, but from it stems an understated but thick atmosphere

there is no foreplay here, you open up the game and hit start and you're in a low-res world surrounded by thick, dense nothingness. equipped with nothing but your right hand you can hardly walk a step before you hear low, bit-crushed gurgling getting louder as a wave of skulls fly towards you. there is no music, instead the soundtrack of this game is the aforementioned gurgling of skulls and crinkling of spider's legs and roars of flying worms

Devil Daggers has a dummy thick atmosphere that strongly elevates the arcadey, quake-esque combat revolving around zooming across the ground and rapid-firing weird gem things at the lovecraftian horrors in front of you. there is constantly something to be looking out for and there is little more engaging than it

if you need anything to play for 10 minutes or 10 hours, this is it. playing further and further and longer and longer to unveil what horrible nightmares lurk as time goes on is immediately and consistently engaging, and its a game i appreciate a lot

Reviewed on May 02, 2020
