Favorite spin off game, love that they introduced Kartos having a brother.

The start of a wonderful game series.

Practically a cinematic masterpiece. Plus a sex game.

Loved this game so much. Maybe one day I will play it again and go for the platinum I was just too much of a baby back then for the one life challenge.

I wanted to plat this game so bad. The developers gave up on it so fast after launch it had potential if they would’ve kept updating it.

Thought I could tackle this plat, definitely not the case.

What a call from grace after the first two. I thought this was the end of LBP luckily we were all wrong!

These games are always fun for about the first 30mins

The AC game that broke me and took a break from the franchise for a little bit.

Damn I got the plat for this in a week? That’s pretty fast for a Lego game.

Another forgettable Lego superhero game