Revelations 2 feels like the franchise floundering to recapture the fans alienated by the post RE5 games.
"Look, we brought back Claire. We borrowed motifs from Code Veronica and Zero. We brought in a new Wesker. We made it scary again. We even brought back Barry Goddamn Burton and reference all his memey dialogue from RE1."
The issue is the game is just kinda dull?
I'll admit this is a scarier than previous fair, but it's gross-out horror more often than not. All the scare sequences just make me think of when the weird kid in class would spit on his hand, then try to chase you down to touch you with it.
It's biggest innovation is some interesting puzzle combat. Barry arrives to his campaign armed to the teeth, so he doesn't need to worry too much about scrounging for resources, so the game compensates with trickier enemies. His most common foe is a new take on Regenerators that only go down when a particular weakspot is shot, but Barry can't see where that weakspot it. His partner, a little psychic girl named Natalia, can. So those combat encounters involve swapping to Natalia to assess the situation, then back to Barry to unleash the lead. It may sound tedious, but it works really well in execution, especially once they start mixing in these invisible insectoids that slowly chase you down.
Claire's campaign doesn't have any of these nifty encounters and is pretty straight-forward copy of RE4 mechanics. The issue with Claire's campaign is her partner is Moira Burton. Moira is a teenager written by a 50 year old sailor trying to be hip. The shit that comes out of her mouth would make the writers of Riverdale envious. Not a single combat encounter goes by without Moira screaming how the monsters can get fucked, shit-on, or bent.
She is. The Female Steve Burnside.
I never see RE Fans talk about this one and I can see why. It's not bad, just enduringly meh.

Reviewed on Oct 04, 2023
