it's better than halo 2!
lol at the background image for the backloggd page
i cant believe there was actually an ending to this story
like yeah there's a "oh what will happen next?" kind of ending but they wrapped up basically every outstanding plot thread before it so they could literally continue it however they want
the arbiter just being your homie in the game is pretty fun
side note- i looked up mods for the game to see if there were any sort of revamp projects to make it more faithful to the OG release (like how there are for sonic games) and the only thing i found was big booby arbiter mods
like 5 different versions too it was kind of wild
in this game cortana is really goofy looking and is shown in the most unflattering angles throughout the majority of the game (for lore reasons)
im kind of sad there were less "gun down your enemies with a turret" moments but it was very much made up with the whole "just take the turret with you" mechanic
my god people look ghoulish in this game, like genuinely disturbing faces
everyone except miranda for some reason, miranda looked pretty normal
why are the boss fights in all these games so anti-climactic, like idk if it's because there's no health bar or clear attack-defend cycle like in other games but i basically just shot the boss, and then they died
i think this game was a pretty good length, not repetitive like the first and not dragging on too long like the second
its right in the goldilocks zone (thats a space reference)

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2024
