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What can I say?

Best gacha mobile game. FCKING EVER.

You start with this single cat unit you deploy on the battle field, and fight dogs. Then there's some lil dudes and eventually more animals and more enemies, you get more cat units and theyre all so f
cking cool and strange like holy sht one of the "basic" units is a fcking titan cat and one is a damn fish.

Then around 6 chapters onwards and you kill god. Standard JRPG sht right there, I love it so much.

The game doesn't really have a proper story but it doesn't matter to me that much, it makes the game ever more batsh
t insane to play and look at which is just in the end funnier. But don't come expecting a chill time about a game where a empire of cats kill other animals for territory and conquer whole fcking countries, then planets, and other cool lands and challenges.

NO. This is maybe one of the hardest games I've ever found myself to play. Not only hardest, LONGEST. You will get addicted to this game, and you will sell your soul to it.

There are some bullsh
t levels later in the game, you optimally need all of the "cat treasures" from each of the 9 campaign chapters, and you must roll the gacha if you want to get anywhere. However getting units for free from the gacha is not that time-consuming, you can get rare tickets every now and then, or use cat food which you can also get for free for clearing stages (stages consist of multiple levels), or buy if you're a p2w scum (nope, totally never done that myself).

You have rare, super rare, uber super rare, and then the legend rare cat units. You can clear a lot of the game's first parts with just the free basic cat units, as well as the special units that you can get for free, some of which you can buy for catfood, along with rare cats and a few super rare cats. Uber super rares get useful, especially in the late-late-late game, but "Uber carrying" is not really needed if you have good strategies.

But trust me, the game can be unforgiving. There's a lot of grinding every now and then, but in the end I would call it one of my favorite games, and the best mobile and gacha game I know of.