[Main Story] + [Extras] + [Seasonal 01 Story]
This game for me is the game of the Year. The layout of the maps, dungeon, cellers, cities, etc, they are very well done in my opinion. The story it self is good in my opinion. After the campaign is done the player have other things to, like increase the Tier for more challenging game but also to improve the gear and other stuff.
[Seasonal Events] - My opinion
- I thing blizzard need to think a way more enjoyable for seasonal events, because start over and do things all over again in my opinion don't make sense and is a waste of time. A better way in my view is have two options, one for those players who what start over again and a secound one for those players who want continue from the normal character they have. I speend +200h in my necromancer, where I did all the completion maps, leaving a few side quest because I don't know where there is. And the last thing I don't want to is speend another +200h in my seasonal charecter.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2023
