When can I log a Survivors-like as "Completed"? Because I definitely haven't done everything, but I think I've done enough now? I have like 40 hours in the game and I feel like I've seen basically all it has to offer. I decided to finish off the Garlic Paradise Adventure before logging it here.

The game is very best at the start. I was completely hooked and it was so fun to play and level up and get stronger! In the beginning when you're low level, Vampire Survivors actually takes a bit of attention and skill to play. But once you figure out how the game works, it becomes incredibly trivial.
Nowadays, by minute 20 out of 30, I've maxed out my weapons and can stand idly while a bunch of flashing lights kill everything for me. It was best in the first few hours where I couldn't even get to the end of the first level! After that it was a slow descent into monotony.

And now I'm at a point where there's not really much content left except "Get Each Character to Level X and You Unlock Y". Which is pretty lame and the type of content that I would usually just ignore. But honestly I probably will play this game a bit more, it's the game I play in the background while I watch One Piece. (Just got to episode 800). But I'm not sure how much more gameplay I can squeeze out of this game.

Edit: I originally gave this a 3/5, but after reflecting on it some more, this game is a lame-ass video game equivalent to tiktok sludge content. The same thing as scrolling endlessly on your phone for no reason. Just nothing of any value.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024


3 months ago

Especially for something this cheap, 40 hours is really meaty I'd say, I think of this in terms of an arcade game that isn't meant for completion necessarily, but rather something for you to do as long as it's fun.

3 months ago

@iv1632 Yeah but honestly hour 10-40 were very similar and like meh